Acid or Alkaline?

In Beauty, Energy, News, Uncategorized by Justin Welton

Maintaining an internal acid alkaline (pH) balance in the optimal range supports your bones and your body. Bones are the body’s “mineral storehouse”. Not only do bones provide strength, but…

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Why The C Cleanse is Different

In Detox, News by Justin Welton

…body lacking Vitamin C. Some symptoms of scurvy are bleeding gums, muscle degeneration, bone and joint pain. Vitamin C, while not a vitamin in technical terms, is a substrate that…

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PERQUE ph Hydrion Papers™

In by Justin Welton

Body balance, in terms of acid-alkaline state, is a pH of 7.450 for blood in the arteries and 7.350 for blood in the veins. Acid-alkaline equivalence is a pH of…