Benefits of all eight forms of vitamin E have been included since 1987 in PERQUE™ products such as PERQUE Life Guard™ tabsule™ family of more complete daily supplements and more recently PERQUE Mito Guard Plus and PERQUE Liva Guard Forté family of micellized softgels
We are pleased to report that complete, natural vitamins E including the four tocopherols and the four tocotrienol forms are in the news as nutritional breakthroughs particularly in reducing cardiovascular and chronic disease risk. The basic and clinical science was clear in the late ‘80s. It often takes 25+ years from scientific breakthrough until there are many, many articles and reports so that the nightly news begins to report on the ‘breakthrough’. We want you to have the information and easy access to solutions decades ahead rather than decades behind what the best scientific evidence says. We do this by having biochemists, physiologists, pathologists, clinical laboratory specialists, molecular biologists, toxicologists, nutritionists, clinicians and health coaches on our staff all working to advance your health and well-being.
The alpha single form of tocopherol is inexpensive, easily available and widely used and so also the most easily sought after form to study. Natural tocopherols and tocotrienols are expensive and in short supply because of higher demand than supply, and, until recent reconfirmation of classic scientific studies from the 1950s-1970s, was rarely used except in some pharmaceutical preparations. Fortunately, PERQUE anticipates and leads by including the safer and more active forms of nutrients all the time and always, unconditionally. PERQUE is a high tech, high touch innovator in all active ‘foods for special dietary use’ as supplements to a whole food based Alkaline Way™ diet.
Indeed, the four tocotrienol ( forms have been showing impressive results for a variety of health conditions like cardiovascular disease, stroke, digestive and detoxification chronic conditions and even some cancers. More and more research indicates the benefits from this family of membrane protective vitamins E.
Contact us at PERQUE at 800-525-7372 or for more information or visit us on Facebook or Twitter. Start PERQUEing yourself up today!
Shute, EV. Proposed study of vitamin E therapy. Can Med Assoc J. 1972 May 20; 106(10):1057.
Shute, EV. Letter: Vitamin E fatigue? Calif Med. 1973 Oct; 119(4):73.
Singh A, Jaffe R, Moses F, Dohoda V, Moran R, Kealey B, and Deuster PA. Biochemical indices of Vitamin status in response to supplement use Am J Clin Nutr, 1990; 51:523
*Mangialasche F et al. “Tocopherols and tocotrienols plasma levels are associated with cognitive impairment.” Neurobiol Aging.2012 oct; 33(10):2282-2290.
*Klein EA et al “Vitamin E and the risk of prostate cancer: the Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer prevention trial (SELECt).” JAMA.2011 oct 12;306(14):1549-1556.
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