On this episode of “Ask Dr. J.” Dr. Jaffe is asked if it is recommended for patients with kidney stones and high levels of oxalates to take PERQUE Potent C …
Dr. Russell Jaffe explains the mechanism of action for ascorbate in PERQUE Potent C Guard Powder
On this episode of “Ask Dr. J”, Dr. Russell Jaffe is asked to explain the mechanism of action for ascorbate in PERQUE Potent C Guard Powder. Tune in to see …
Dr. Russell Jaffe’s thoughts on N-acetyl Cysteine (NAC)
On this episode of “Ask Dr. J”, Dr. Russell Jaffe discusses his thoughts on N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), and how it differs from regular Cysteine. Did you enjoy this post? We …
Can nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) be reversed?
In this week’s “Ask Dr. J”, Dr. Russell Jaffe is asked if nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) can be reversed. Did you enjoy this post? We post new content …
Ask Dr. J – Why does PERQUE use ubiquinone in PERQUE Mito Guard Plus?
In this week’s edition of “Ask Dr. J”, Dr. Russell Jaffe is asked why PERQUE uses ubiquinone rather than ubiquinol in PERQUE Mito Guard Plus. Did you enjoy this post? …
Ask Dr. J: How does one measure the pH in PERQUE Potent C Guard?
In this week’s edition of “Ask Dr. J”, Dr. Jaffe discusses how one measures the pH in PERQUE Potent C Guard. Also, Dr. Jaffe discusses PERQUE pH strips. Did you …
Dr. Jaffe Published in Advancing Medicine with Food and Nutrients 2nd Edition
PERQUE Integrative Health is excited to announce the second edition release of Advancing Medicine with Food and Nutrients, the bestselling textbook that puts nutrition back at the heart of medicine. …
Agriculture, Public Health, and Viable Society: Another Eternal Golden Braid by Russell Jaffe Fellow, Health Studies Collegium
Today, many seem to operate in a compartmentalized, disintermediated world. The narrowness of their view is largely the product of a reductionist, mechanistic educational system. In the age of systems …
Dr.Jaffe on Cool Change Radio!
Listen to Dr. Jaffe describe his transition from healthy skeptic to dedicated practitioner of holistic, integrative medicine. Learn about the many ways he’s rethought healthcare and developed personalized mechanisms of …
Dr. Jaffe Interview with Patrick Timpone on One Radio Network
Listen to Dr. Jaffe discuss the virtues of integrative medicine, the importance of nutritional supplementation, and the life-changing affects of delayed allergy testing. PatrickTimponeInterview Did you enjoy this post? We …
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