More Reason For PERQUE Hematin Anemia Guard

In Energy, News, Uncategorized by Justin Welton

Drug makers Affymax Inc. and Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. issued a recall of their anemia drug Omontys after reports of severe allergic reactions in some kidney-disease patients.  Five out 50 hypersensitivity cases resulted in death.

Anemia is a prevalent condition in kidney dialysis patients and occurs when the body is unable to produce enough blood cells to deliver adequate oxygen to the body’s organs.  The condition causes fatigue and sometimes heart attack.

Prescription pharmaceuticals are essential in life threatening circumstances, however, they can come at a price.  Building a strong and healthy body that has no need for pharmaceutical medication is key.

92% of health is choice.  Making healthy choices around what we eat, drink, think, and do can have a life lasting impact.

If you or your patients suffer from anemia, there is a healthier, safer option.  PERQUE Hematin Anemia Guard ™ combines a powerful mix of nutrients designed to increase the quality of blood which improves organ function, forms healthy red blood cells, reduces the risk of anemia, and oxygenates the lungs for improved respiratory function.

To learn more about PERQUE Hematin Anemia Guard or to place an order, please visit our website at or contact customer service at 800.525.7372.

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Justin Welton
Author: Justin Welton