Hear what functional medicine pioneer, Russell Jaffe, has to say about the role of a safer, more effective detoxification program as a key component of any comprehensive wellness program:
Detoxification is a key component of the PERQUE Integrative Health Well Guard Training. The program includes the simple, evidence-based, four product PERQUE Detox Protocol to support multiple systems and Phase 1, Phase 2, and Phase 3 detoxification.
Download the C Cleanse Protocol.
PERQUE Potent C Guard™
Strengthens, repairs, and energized the immune system, brain function, and hormonal balance and provides antioxidant protection.
Result: Powerful personalized antioxidant protection.
Benefit: Reduces tissue damage with fully buffered and reduced 100% L-ascorbate – shown most effective form of vitamin C in six peer reviewed outcome studies. Read more about bioavailability of different forms
Fact: Triple recrystallized under nitrogen to enhance potency.
PERQUE Detox IN Guard™
Removes lead, mercury, other toxic minerals, as well as benzene, and other hormone-disrupting biocides.
Result: Boosts liver to remove toxic matter.
Benefit: Restores immune function – essential for health.
Fact: Unique nutrient synergy that reduces hormone disrupters & makes toxins easier and safer to remove.
PERQUE Liva Guard Forte™
Repairs, restores, and rehabilitates the liver from harsh chemical exposures and protects the body. Read more about milk thistle benefits.
Result: Protects liver from cell and tissue damage associated with environmental toxicity and urban living.
Benefit: Gives the liver a needed boost for better detoxification, improved energy, and healthier immune function.
Fact: Formulated with the preferred form of Coenzyme Q10, for powerful antioxidant protection and free radical prevention.
Active Omega 3 EFAs help remove fat-soluble toxins and aid in the nutrient uptake.
Result: Synergistic combo of essential fatty acids that help remove plaque build- up in the heart and improve brain cell communication.
Benefit: Improves brain and body health to counter Omega 6 inflammatory fats.
Fact: Uses purer deep-sea fish oils that are nitrogen distilled to prevent oxidization and rancidity damage.
For more information about the PERQUE Detox Protocol or the full line of premium, professional PERQUE supplements, call 1.800.525.7372.
Healthcare professionals, ask about the PERQUE Detox Protocol Special.