Delicious Recipes using PERQUE Plant-Powered
Protein Guard™

Enjoy these PERQUE Plant-Powered Protein Guard™ recipes submitted by our great community!

PERQUE Plant-Powered Protein Guard Recipes

Enjoy these PERQUE Plant-Powered Protein Guard™ recipe images submitted by our great community!


PERQUE Plant-Powered Protein Guard™ is a break- through in protein powder! It delivers a whole meal that is wholesome and delicious -may be used as part of a healthy weight management program. Click here to learn more.

The Ins and outs of perque plant-powered protein guard™

On this edition of “Ask Dr. J”, a practitioner writes in and asks Dr. Russell Jaffe several questions regarding PERQUE’s Plant-Powered Protein Guard™. 

healthy weight webinar

Functional Medicine thought-leader Dr. Russell Jaffe explores the epidemic of unhealthy weight and the myriad of consequences of obesity. lifestyle program. Watch this webinar to learn more about this Physiology First approach.